General Textbooks

Browse New & Used General Textbooks

Valore Books gives you the chance to buy general textbooks online on the subject of construction. With several hundred titles available it couldn't be easier to get the cheapest discounted books you'll find anywhere today. Look for titles such as Principles of Foundation Engineering; Construction Management Fundamentals; Reinforced Concrete: Mechanics and Design, and Construction Planning, Equipment and Methods. We have many other affordable and pre-owned titles to look for as well, so make sure you have the chance to get the best deals on either purchased or rented titles today. With prices discounted by massive percentages in many cases, it is simple to make your college budget go a lot further than it would otherwise. We buy back general construction books too so sell back here if you want to make some easy cash. It's the best way to ensure you only ever have the books you need to help you get through your college course.

Results 801 - 801 of 801 for General Textbooks
Green Building Materials and Anticorrosion Coatings by Dvoř�k, Karel, Ravaszo... ISBN: 9783036404677 List Price: $95.00
Showing 801 - 801 of 801 - Browse More General Textbooks for Sale
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