Lesbian Texts and Contexts

Lesbian Texts and Contexts
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  • ISBN-13: 9780814741771
  • ISBN: 0814741770
  • Publisher: New York University Press


Jay, Karla, Glasgow, Joanne, Allen-Young, Darcy


Lesbian writers include some of the most innovative and adventurous writers of this century, but only recently have they been given their due attention in terms of critical study. This book is the first anthology to discuss the subject of lesbianism as it relates to the critical interaction among readers, writers, and literary critics. It explores lesbian texts in terms of identification, meaning, and interpretation, and examines the complex entanglements of identity, voice, intersubjectivity, textualities, and sexualities. A wonderful exploration of the varieties of life choices lesbians can and do make. This book once again proves that telling the truth aboutyourself is a revolutionary act. -Rita Mae Brown They will probably drum Karla Jay and Joanne Glasgow out of the academy for this one...A college text that is witty, literate, interesting, and can be read for fun. What's the world coming to? Lesbian Texts and Contexts: dry title, wonderful book. -Barbara Grier, Editor Naiad Press To call this collection much-needed or eagerly awaited would be the understatement of the year. It's thrilling ot think of the new readings of classic texts, the new directions for theory, and-maybe best of all-the new range of literary encounters in the classroom, that will be enabled by this radical intervention on the critical scene. -Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, Duke University Excellent,...challenging, sexy,...never boring. -Outweek.Jay, Karla is the author of 'Lesbian Texts and Contexts' with ISBN 9780814741771 and ISBN 0814741770.

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