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Please note that ValoreBooks does not buy back books with broken covers, water damage, or excessive highlighting. Items that do not meet our quality standards may be quoted at a different price or graded unacceptable. There is a return processing fee for unacceptable items. Please be sure to remove any stickers covering your book's ISBN.

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Which edition is my book?

IMPORTANT: When entering your textbook ISBN, make sure to remove any stickers that are over the ISBN barcode.

The valid ISBN will be printed directly on the back-right corner of the book.

US edition textbooks These are the most typical textbooks you find. They may be hardcover or softcover.

International edition books Mostly softcover, these books may have "ISE" printed on the spine, or the front cover may contain "International Edition" markings. This information will also appear on the title page of the book.

Teacher / Annotated Instructor's editions These are often marked as "Annotated Instructor's Edition" or "AIE" and usually contain answers and/or instructor's notes. May also be marked "Instructor's Copy."

What we don't buy back:

Eastern Economy / Low Price / Indian Edition Textbooks These books are a subset of international edition textbooks that are commonly softcover, printed on cheap paper, and contain only black and white photos and illustrations. Please note that we do not buy back Eastern Economy / Low Price / Indian Edition textbooks.

Be sure to double-check that you have entered the correct ISBN and selected the correct edition to receive an accurate quote.

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Which edition is my book?

IMPORTANT: When entering your textbook ISBN, make sure to remove any stickers that are over the ISBN barcode.

The valid ISBN will be printed directly on the back-right corner of the book.

US edition textbooks These are the most typical textbooks you find. They may be hardcover or softcover.

International edition books Mostly softcover, these books may have "ISE" printed on the spine, or the front cover may contain "International Edition" markings. This information will also appear on the title page of the book.

Teacher / Annotated Instructor's editions These are often marked as "Annotated Instructor's Edition" or "AIE" and usually contain answers and/or instructor's notes. May also be marked "Instructor's Copy."

What we don't buy back:

Eastern Economy / Low Price / Indian Edition Textbooks These books are a subset of international edition textbooks that are commonly softcover, printed on cheap paper, and contain only black and white photos and illustrations. Please note that we do not buy back Eastern Economy / Low Price / Indian Edition textbooks.

Be sure to double-check that you have entered the correct ISBN and selected the correct edition to receive an accurate quote.

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