Showing 1 - 4 of 4 Results
Historical Notices of Old Belfast and Its Vicinity; a Selection from the Mss Collected by Wi... by Young, Robert Magill, Pinke... ISBN: 9781179774244 List Price: $31.75
Historical Notices of old Belfast and its Vicinity; a Selection From the mss. Collected by W... by Young, Robert Magill, Pinke... ISBN: 9781342261014 List Price: $26.95
Historical Notices of Old Belfast and Its Vicinity; a Selection from the Mss. Collected by W... by Young, Robert Magill 1851-1... ISBN: 9781014834379 List Price: $19.95
Historical Notices of Old Belfast and Its Vicinity; a Selection from the Mss. Collected by W... by Young, Robert Magill, Pinke... ISBN: 9781378106075 List Price: $16.95